Summer 2016 Publisher's Note

Bees are essential. Without the transportation of that rich pollen, that diverse genetic material, our crops could not survive. Word of Mouth magazine seeks to become a pollinator of local food culture in Mendocino County. It could be considered a little bit nutty to be launching a print magazine in this era of eBooks, Twitter, and Blog posts. It could be likened to opening a record store or pay phone repair shop. However, the basis of this decision is one of belief. I believe that someone will pick up Word of Mouth and be awakened to the local food culture that permeates Mendocino County.
This County is rich with stories and flavors. We have abundance of renegade farmers who have traded a life of ease for one of self-reliance, toil, and incredibly rewarding harvests. You will learn about the chefs, producers and vintners that support this food culture and bring it to your table. These local craftspeople have chosen to pursue quality at the risk of being considered old fashioned. The printed word could also be considered old fashioned, but it still has value. By engaging in our food culture, you will become a pollinator too.
Holly Madrigal, Publisher