

by Liz Migliorelli

We are lucky to have huckleberry as an abundant local food and medicine. The
leaf can be harvested and added into other herbal tea blends. The leaves are high
in vitamin C, are antiseptic, astringent, and can help stabilize blood sugar levels,
which you might need after eating too much huckleberry pie!

The recipe below is for a delicious syrup made from the huckleberries themselves.
It’s easy to prepare and goes great on top of pancakes, waffles, yogurt, ice cream,
in your tea, or by the spoonful.


  1. Gently cook down 2 cups of berries in 2 cups of water until you have reduced
  2. the liquid by half.
  3. Strain the mixture, pressing out the extra huckleberry juice through a sieve.
  4. While the liquid is still warm, add 3/4 cup organic cane sugar to your one cup
  5. liquid and stir in well so the sugar dissolves and the liquid thickens.
  6. Bottle and store in the fridge for up to three weeks—although it probably
  7. won’t last that long, it’s too tasty!


Liz Migliorelli (aka Sister Spinster) is a clinical western herbalist and magic maker who lives on the Mendocino coast. She teaches herbal classes, sees clients and keeps a well stocked apothecary. You can learn more and work with her by visiting her website:

Use care when wild foraging. Eat only plants, berries, and mushrooms that have been safely identified.