Get Involved: Holiday Time Giving Guide

This holiday season, some of our favorite things are not things at all. Great reward comes from pitching in to help with your favorite cause. Get involved and join the fun at these organizations, or kick in a donation as a gift to help them do their work. ‘Tis the season to get involved!
Learn how you can Help the Kelp at Noyo Center for Marine Science in Fort Bragg. Take a morning to count purple sea urchins, or volunteer to help create the life-sized earthen blue whale at their Crows Nest location on the Noyo Headlands.
The Caring Kitchen helps to heal those fighting cancer by providing free, healthy meals made with love. Volunteer yourself or bring the whole family and join the team of teen chefs prepping and cooking. Volunteer angels deliver the meals across inland Mendocino County. Can you feel the LOVE?
Get out the Vote! No matter your electoral leanings, we can all agree that more people voting makes our democracy stronger. Take a turn registering voters at your local post office or gathering place. Make it a family affair with red, white, and blue top hats. The California primary is sooner than you might think, so contact your local Registrar of Voters to ensure you are signed up.
Though it’s a small community, Round Valley has a whole lot going on. The hardworking volunteers of Friends of the Round Valley Library can always use a hand hosting fundraisers and other activities. Join in, or donate to KYBU, the Black Berry Festival, the thriving Documentary Series, Seed Library, Art Exhibits and more.
If you like to get outside for your volunteering, consider connecting to the Redwood Forest Foundation, owners of the almost 50,000-acre Usal Redwood Forest at the start of the Lost Coast and King Mountain Range. Pitch in to help build trails, plant trees, or improve access to the forest. You can give the gift of preserving a redwood grove in a family member’s honor.
The folks of Acorn Partners in Point Arena love to get kids outside. Kayaking, turtle-counting (in Baja), and hosting a 5K run on the Stornetta National Monument headlands are just some of the efforts undertaken by this dynamic group. They seek to provide education about the environment and cross-cultural learning through experiences and the arts.