James’ Jalapeño Margaritas

by Holly Madrigal
As the weather warms, speed up the process by mixing up these zesty drinks. Far from too spicy,
the pepper adds just a slight kick and a wonderful flavor. My friend James says that some are put off
when they hear what is in these, but once they try one, they get rave reviews.
• 1 lime
• 1 part triple sec
• 1 part jalapeño-infused agave nectar (below)
• 2 parts high quality tequila
• flake salt for glass rim
• couple slices of jalapeño for garnish
Combine triple sec, agave nectar, and tequila into a pitcher. Add juice from the lime. Use the rind to moisten the rim of the glass, dip in salt, and set aside. Add ice and jalapeño slices to each glass and pour in blend from the pitcher.
Jalapeño infused agave:
Add equal parts agave nectar and water into a small saucepan. Slice jalapeños and add to liquid. Simmer 10-15 minutes until reduced. Cool.