A New Start

This season brings renewal and rejuvenation. It’s the time of year when we shake off the dormancy of winter and turn our faces to the increasing light of the sun. I too am embracing the change that comes with this season, stepping out of my home in Willits that I have loved for fifteen years into a tiny cottage in Fort Bragg. I have visited the coast my entire life, but this moment seemed right to take that experience to the next level. A change like this is as exhilarating as it is at times stressful—and challenging, sorting through a decade of “stuff” that I had accumulated not just in the house but in the attic, the garage, and the yard. I welcomed the deadline of moving, requiring a final date to force me to decide “does this stay in my life or can I let it go.”
Throughout this process, I am reminded of the importance of self-renewal and rejuvenation. The passing of the holidays, family obligations, and taxes that come in winter can take a personal toll. The springtime is a moment to consider turning that energy inward. Maybe it is a good time to take a mini-vacation to a hot spring, see page 45, to soak up the heat of those mineral-rich waters. Wilbur Resort is a dream, Orr Hot Springs is close enough for a day trip, and Harbin Hot Springs has just reopened after years of fire recovery.
Or maybe your idea of self-care is to take the time to make some nutritious homecooked meals. Cooking with foraged nettles, like the recipe by Chef Janelle Weaver on page 32 can reduce blood pressure, calm inflammation, and a provide a host of other benefits.
However you choose to replenish, we welcome this season as as a time of new beginings. I, for one, will be settling into my new cottage, where restorative walks on the coastal trail are just steps away. Just as the new blossoms are reaching for the strengthening sun, let us embrace the changes in our lives that bring renewal and growth. Yours in gratitude, Holly Madrigal