Local Food Culture of Mendocino County

Half Page Ad

Half Page Ad

from $575.00

4.75 h x 7.5 w

The abundant space available in a half page ad allows for dramatic imagery and engaging copy to let readers know all about who you are and what you offer, all for under $170/mo. Your ad purchase includes three months of exposure in the print edition of Word of Mouth magazine and a listing both in print and online in The Guide, our reference directory for local businesses and organizations.

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Evergreen Advertisers

Evergreen Advertisers agree to have their ad continually published until they contact us to cancel. They receive invoices according to the number of ads in their original purchase (those who purchase one ad will receive 4 invoices per year while those who purchase four ads will receive their invoice annually). Evergreen Advertisers get free design services should they need to update their ads.

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Standard advertisers who purchase 4 issues of advertising as well as Evergreen Advertisers who commit to 4 issues will have their logo included in the footer of the Word of Mouth website where it will stay until they stop advertising. Applies to quarter page ads and larger.


Quarter Page Ad

from $325.00

Third Page Ad

from $375.00

Full Page Ad

from $975.00

Business Card Ad

from $195.00

Full Page Cover Ad

from $1,195.00